FDA510K SUNGO 爬楼轮椅办理美国FDA认证
关于SUNGO公司 SUNGO是化的器械、食品企业法规技术服务商。 SUNGO包括三家公司,分别是位于美国的SUNGO Technical Service Inc.,位于英国的SUNGO Certification Company Limited和上海沙格企业管理咨询有限公司。 SUNGO的业务起源于2006年,在器械行业开展法规技术服务达10年之久,截止到目前累积客户超过1500家。其中包括很多业内的企业和上市企业,例如威高集团、恒安集团、暴龙眼镜、刚松股份、江苏鱼跃、河南羚锐等。 SUNGO始终追求支持、服务和客户满意。所有客户都有一对一的客服对接以保持经常性的联系,提供在线即时服务,针对贸易中存在的技术壁垒方面的问题提供的支持和解答。
检查结果: 1.没有书面评价,这是好的情况; 2.轻微项的483表,或一封感谢信; 3.有批评的483表,它可能会导致:1)Seizure(查封)2)Detention(扣押)3)Restraining Orders and Injunctions(强制停产)4)Penalties(罚款)5)Recall(撤回) 4. Waring letter(警告信)审核重点:对于不同的产品,审核的重点不一样的
我公司办理: 1. 美国代理人、FDA器械注册、FDA510K、FDA QSR820体系, 2. FDA QSR820验厂及整改、FDA警告信应对&RED LIST REMOVAL 3. TUV/SGS/NQA机构的:器械CE认证(93/42/EEC)、体外诊断器械CE认证(98/79/EC) 4.ISO9001:二015体系认证与版本升级、ISO13485:二016体系认证与版本升级 5.欧盟授权代表(EC-REP:representative in the EU)、英国MHRA器械注册 6. CFS 欧盟自由销售证,中国医药进出口商会自由销售证书 7. GMP认证、ISO22716 GMPC验厂, 英国BRC认证咨询,BSCI验厂 8. 灭菌验证方案设计和报告编制,器械欧盟标准检测,企业标准编制, MSDS编制服务 9. 口罩NELNSON(尼尔森)检测:(EN 14683检测、BFE检测,VFE检测、PFE检测) 10. 手术衣EN13795测试、防护服type5/6 认证、PPE认证咨询(89/686/EC个人防护指令)
Responsibilities of a U.S. agent The U.S. agent must either reside in the U.S. or maintain a place of business in the U.S. The U.S. agent cannot use a post office box as an address. The U.S. agent cannot use an answering service. They must be available to answer the phone or have an employee available to answer the phone during normal business hours. The responsibilities of the U.S. agent are limited and include: assisting FDA in communications with the foreign establishment, responding to questions concerning the foreign establishment's devices that are imported or offered for import into the United States, assisting FDA in scheduling inspections of the foreign establishment and if FDA is unable to contact the foreign establishment directly or expeditiously, FDA may provide information or documents to the U.S. agent, and such an action shall be considered to be equivalent to providing the same information or documents to the foreign establishment. Please note that the U.S. agent has no responsibility related to reporting of adverse events under the Medical Device Reporting regulation (21 CFR Part 803), or submitting 510(k) Premarket Notifications (21 CFR Part 807, Subpart E).
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