FDA 手动轮椅办理美国FDA510K 的周期
发布时间: 2024-04-10 11:25 更新时间: 2024-06-07 07:10
结合我司的在防护类器械510K申请中的成功案例,一下隔离衣和手术衣的美国市场准入要求如下: 01需要找到合适的比对器械
食品FDA注册 >>>>食品企业设施FDA注册/食品FDA注册备案登记/ 11位FDA注册号 根据美国国会于2003年通过的法,所有外国向美国出口食品(和动物食品)的公司必须在FDA注册登记,如果没有在FDA登记注册的,这些企业的产品就不能在美国上岸,这里所指的企业包括:从事生产,加工,包装或储存等的食品企业。 从2003年12月12日起,凡是没有在FDA登记注册的外国生产厂家,其出口美国的产品,一旦到达美国港口后,如果没提前在FDA注册备案登记,产品将被美国海关做“行政扣押”,不得放行。食品在运到美国港口之前,必须提前向美国FDA做货运通报(简称PN,Prior Notice)。 对美国FDA规定一无所知的中国企业,若不立即履行FDA注册登记手续,无疑将遭受重大经济损失。要想出口美国的公司必须尽早完成FDA注册登记 ,并且取得厂家注册号码。
FDA对于美国代理人的解释也可以参考看一下网站的原文: Any foreign establishment engaged in the manufacture, preparation, propagation, compounding, or processing of a device imported into the United States must identify a United States agent (U.S. agent) for that establishment. Information about a foreign establishment’s U.S. Agent is submitted electronically using the FDA Unified Registration and Listing System (FURLS system) and is part of the establishment registration process. Each foreign establishment may designate only one U.S. agent. The foreign establishment may also, but is not required to, designate its U.S. agent as its official correspondent. The foreign establishment should provide the name, address, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail address of the U.S. agent. The U.S. agent identified will be required to complete an automated process to confirm that they have agreed to act as the U.S. agent. The automated process will forward an email verification request to the U.S. agent. They will be requested to confirm her/his consent to act as a representative/liaison on behalf of the foreign establishment. If the U.S. agent denies consent (or does not respond within 10 business days), the Official Correspondent/Owner Operator of the foreign establishment will be notified and must designate a new U.S. agent to satisfy the regulatory obligation.
FDA 化妆品注册怎么做? FDA化妆品注册(138电181话046微17信) • 1/ 化妆品企业注册可以在出口美国之前或者出口之后(30天内); • 2/ 化妆品产品注册需要有1000美金的出口之后,实际上FDA无法核对; • 3/ Can I file formulations in the VCRP for products that are considered drugs but also have a cosmetic function? 对于药品有化妆品功能的是否可以做化妆品注册? • Yes, products that are considered drugs in the United States, such as sunscreens, but also make cosmetic type claims, such as moisturizing, can be filed in the VCRP. • 4/ 可以进行化妆品注册,这并不能豁免其需要满足药品的相关要求的职责。
审厂的触发原因包括: 一,例行检查; 二、FDA需要调查行业数据; 三,发生顾客抱怨,特别是多次的抱怨 四、发生较多的不良事件; 五,产品多次出现质量问题; 六、FDA接受其他管理局的委托进行审厂。比如,接受退伍军人管理局的委托。也可以主动申请审厂。有时候,你的美国客户,也可以申请FDA来审厂。审查不通过,只要后续措施得力,通常导致罚款之类的处罚。对审查的结果,应严格按照审核官的要求,提供详细的整改资料,立即停止销售。当然,有的整改措施是需要效果验证的。你就需要提交效果验证的证据。审厂不通过,直接导致罚款。
食品FDA注册 >>>>食品企业设施FDA注册/食品FDA注册备案登记/ 11位FDA注册号 根据美国国会于2003年通过的法,所有外国向美国出口食品(和动物食品)的公司必须在FDA注册登记,如果没有在FDA登记注册的,这些企业的产品就不能在美国上岸,这里所指的企业包括:从事生产,加工,包装或储存等的食品企业。 从2003年12月12日起,凡是没有在FDA登记注册的外国生产厂家,其出口美国的产品,一旦到达美国港口后,如果没提前在FDA注册备案登记,产品将被美国海关做“行政扣押”,不得放行。食品在运到美国港口之前,必须提前向美国FDA做货运通报(简称PN,Prior Notice)。 对美国FDA规定一无所知的中国企业,若不立即履行FDA注册登记手续,无疑将遭受重大经济损失。要想出口美国的公司必须尽早完成FDA注册登记 ,并且取得厂家注册号码。
FDA对于美国代理人的解释也可以参考看一下网站的原文: Any foreign establishment engaged in the manufacture, preparation, propagation, compounding, or processing of a device imported into the United States must identify a United States agent (U.S. agent) for that establishment. Information about a foreign establishment’s U.S. Agent is submitted electronically using the FDA Unified Registration and Listing System (FURLS system) and is part of the establishment registration process. Each foreign establishment may designate only one U.S. agent. The foreign establishment may also, but is not required to, designate its U.S. agent as its official correspondent. The foreign establishment should provide the name, address, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail address of the U.S. agent. The U.S. agent identified will be required to complete an automated process to confirm that they have agreed to act as the U.S. agent. The automated process will forward an email verification request to the U.S. agent. They will be requested to confirm her/his consent to act as a representative/liaison on behalf of the foreign establishment. If the U.S. agent denies consent (or does not respond within 10 business days), the Official Correspondent/Owner Operator of the foreign establishment will be notified and must designate a new U.S. agent to satisfy the regulatory obligation.
FDA 化妆品注册怎么做? FDA化妆品注册(138电181话046微17信) • 1/ 化妆品企业注册可以在出口美国之前或者出口之后(30天内); • 2/ 化妆品产品注册需要有1000美金的出口之后,实际上FDA无法核对; • 3/ Can I file formulations in the VCRP for products that are considered drugs but also have a cosmetic function? 对于药品有化妆品功能的是否可以做化妆品注册? • Yes, products that are considered drugs in the United States, such as sunscreens, but also make cosmetic type claims, such as moisturizing, can be filed in the VCRP. • 4/ 可以进行化妆品注册,这并不能豁免其需要满足药品的相关要求的职责。
审厂的触发原因包括: 一,例行检查; 二、FDA需要调查行业数据; 三,发生顾客抱怨,特别是多次的抱怨 四、发生较多的不良事件; 五,产品多次出现质量问题; 六、FDA接受其他管理局的委托进行审厂。比如,接受退伍军人管理局的委托。也可以主动申请审厂。有时候,你的美国客户,也可以申请FDA来审厂。审查不通过,只要后续措施得力,通常导致罚款之类的处罚。对审查的结果,应严格按照审核官的要求,提供详细的整改资料,立即停止销售。当然,有的整改措施是需要效果验证的。你就需要提交效果验证的证据。审厂不通过,直接导致罚款。
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